Thank you for purchasing aN Urban Dog Tee.
and for helping to change the world.
At Urban Dog Tees we believe that we all have an obligation to eradicate poverty and we must collectively share the world’s resources with greater egalitarianism. We consider that the global acceptance of world poverty is repugnant and the fact that we can accept 30,000 children die every day from hunger and diseases that are preventable should be totally intolerable to us all. We strongly believe that we communally have an obligation to care for our fellow man regardless of faith or colour. At Urban Dog we accept we have a responsibility to participate in a world where we can provide to others who aren’t as fortunate as we are or who are not able to gain the resources to participate in a world free from poverty.
At Urban Dog we work on the principle that there are 255 shades between black and white and we must look at each and every one of them. Life is not black and white, so we don’t live it like it is. We know that no task is too difficult if you really want to carry it out. If there's sincerity, enthusiasm, passion and genuine commitment, you can do almost anything with apparent ease. At Urban Dog we are in the privileged position of being able to give our heart and soul to something we believe in.
Research shows that being employed in a meaningful job can provide a solution to many of the problems being encountered by those experiencing marginalisation within our community. Therefore, at Urban Dog Tees we believe in giving a job to those not normally considered employable by the mainstream community. As a company we have made a strong commitment to providing employment opportunities for young men and women who have not had the best start in life. Subsequently, we are dedicated and passionate about creating prospects for these people to ensure their life trajectory is not an automatic path to poverty or a cycle of dysfunction.
We unapologetically ask that you purchase our products. Not only will our high quality products be delivered to your door in a timely manner, our supply chain is sweatshop free and our clothing is imported from a leading and internationally recognised manufacturer. More importantly; however, your order, never mind how small or large, will help ensure that disadvantaged young people will continue to be employed; learn life and employment skills; address issues like anger, addictions and mental illness; and be redirected away from long-term unemployment, poverty and even prison.
We thank you for purchasing our fine range of t-shirts and on behalf of the young men and women who have gained employment and hope as a result of your purchase, we truly appreciate your support. You have made a great contribution to your fellow man.
Urban Dog Executive Team